The Maori language is a minority language, what use is it anyway?
/The Māori language is a minority language - what use is it anyway?
Te Reo Māori is the indigenous language of New Zealand, of our tūpuna. It is a fundamental foundation of our identity as Māori. There is no other country in the world where it is spoken as a language of communication. If we are not going to use our language no-one else will ensure its survival for us and it will die.
Māoridom is a thing of the future - be proud and take the reigns into your own hands. Kōrerohia Te Reo.
On another front the number of te reo Māori speakers emerging out of kura and kōhanga are growing everyday. Government departments and employers are constantly looking at people who are competent in Māori to deliver services and products to this ever-growing market.