KMK offer a range of events and different initiatives individuals and whānau develop te reo Māori. Whether you are a beginner or a competent speaker, there will be an event for you.

This page will be updated with dates and registration links as they become available. Check back here to find out what’s happening near you. And remember, if you can’t get along to an event, keep up to date with what’s going on via our social media pages.

Kura Reo ki Te Waipounamu

(Intermediate - Advanced)

Kotahi te wiki te roaka o tēnei hui. He reo rūmaki tēnei kaupapa, heoi mā kā taumata o Te Puku ki Te Tihi tēnei kura. Ko kā poureo o ēnei wānaka kā kaiwhakaihu waka o te reo o te motu whānui. Ka noho tēnei kaupapa ki te rohe o Ōtākou, ki te rohe hoki o Waitaha ia rua tau. Mā te huka e āhua matatau ana ki te reo me ōna hua maha. Ka tū te Kura Reo ki Te Waipounamu ia Āpereira o ia tau.

Kura reo ki te waipounamu ki Tuahiwi 2021

Upcoming dates: April 13-17 at Ōtākou marae

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu

(Intermediate to Advanced)

Now that you’ve got a bit of te reo under your belt, why not come along to our Kura Reo Kāi Tahu.

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is a week long immersion wānaka with the focus of developing an individual’s depth, quality and fluency of te reo Māori while also learning Kāi Tahu history. From kōrero ōkawa (formal language), to kōrero ōpaki (informal), kīwaha (idioms) to wetewete reo (grammar), make sure you bring all of your papakupu to Kura Reo Kāi Tahu. The teachers at Kura Reo Kāi Tahu are our exponents of te reo Māori who have a passion for revitalising te reo Māori and are often our KMK champions.

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is a whānau friendly event, but please note, your children must be able to speak te reo Māori in order to attend. Please be aware, however, that if numbers fill up quickly, the Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is for Kāi Tahu whakapapa registered members first. Kura Reo Kāi Tahu is held in January every year.

Kura Reo Kāi Tahu 2024

Upcoming dates: January 7th-11th 2025

Kia Kūrehu

(Advanced beginners - intermediate)

Kia Kūrehu is for those who have a good grasp of te reo Māori but need another kaupapa between Kia Kūrapa and Kura Reo to extend their language proficiency. This is an immersion wānaka and the first pilot of this kaupapa was successfully run in June 2021.

Kia Kūrehu ki Arowhenua 2023

Upcoming dates: 18-20 October 2024

Kia Kūrapa

(Beginner - Intermediate)

Keen to get started with te reo Māori? Or maybe brush up on the basics? Then Kia Kūrapa is for you. Kia Kūrapa is a marae based, weekend long wānaka aimed at beginners and intermediate language learners.

Whether you’re struggling with pronunciation, stuck on ā and ō, or just need the practice, Kia Kūrapa will give you a safe and supportive learning environment to develop your te reo. Kia Kūrapa are held approximately 5-7 times each year.

Kia Kūrapa ki Ōnuku 2023

Upcoming dates: 17 - 19 May ki Arowhenua - All places at this event have been fillled

Wānaka Whare Karioi ā-Whenua

International Indigenous Digital Games Summit

Hosted by NZ CODE in close partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Kotahi Mano Kāika, Wānaka Whare Karioi ā-Whenua 2024 (Whare Karioi) is the International Indigenous Digital Games Summit, a video games industry cultural summit held in Ōtepoti Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand, 17 - 21 June 2024.

Hai Reo Tuku Iho

(Beginner - online)

Hai Reo Tuku Iho is a kaupapa that supports whānau with tamariki to increase intergenerational use of te reo Māori. We are currently working on new online resources and delivery options. Watch this space!

Upcoming dates: TBC

Kura Reo Rakatahi


He rūmaki reo Māori tēnei mā kā rakatahi e kaikākau ana ki tō tātou reo, ā, kei te pīraki hoki ki te whakapakari reo, kia hōhonu ake, kia rerehua ake, kia Māori ake. Ka ako hoki kā tauira i kā waiata, i kā kōrero e pā ana ki te rohe tū ai te wānaka.

Kā Titirei ki Makaawhio 2024

Upcoming dates: TBC

Aoraki Matatū

(Intermediate, Advanced)

Aoraki Matatū is a te reo leadership initiative which supports and mentors iwi members to become teachers of te reo Māori, tikaka and history for their whānau, hapū and iwi. Participants are expected to put the skills they gain from Aoraki Matatū into practice by delivering te reo based lessons or workshops, with the support and guidance of our pou Reo, as part of other KMK initiatives.

Aoraki Matatū usually runs over two weekend wānaka based at papatipu marae. Participation in Aoraki Matatū is by invitation only.

Aoraki Matatū ki Kaikōura 2023

Whānau Haereka

(Beginner - Advanced)

Do you want to do something with your whānau where you can use te reo Māori 24/7? And even better, with other te reo Māori speaking whānau? Come along to our next Whānau Haereka. Our Whānau Haereka are an opportunity for whānau to come together and celebrate te reo Māori.

It’s also a great time for both children and parents to find te reo Māori speaking friends, learn new vocab and phrases, share experiences around the trials and tribulations of raising bilingual tamariki, and most importantly, have fun, while increasing our te reo Māori speaking communities…. What a bargain!

Whether it is off to Takapō and the Mt John Observatory, or to Hanmer and the Hot Pools, there is something for everyone in the whānau.

Upcoming dates: TBC