Kotahi Mano Kāika, Kotahi Mano Wawata
Kotahi Mano Kāika, Kotahi Mano Wawata (one thousand homes, one thousand aspirations) is the Kāi Tahu iwi strategy that leads the charge to reinvigorate our language within Kāi Tahu homes and communities. It is a 25-year strategy which aims to have at least 1000 Kāi Tahu kāika speaking te reo Māori by the year 2025.
He Whakatipuraka Hōu
The realisation of the vision of having 1,000 homes engaged in intergenerational transmission of te reo still requires a considerable amount of effort. However, since the inception of the strategy in 2000 a growing group of Kāi Tahu whānau have become actively engaged in intensive reo programmes in formal education, community wānaka/kura and shared activities run in immersion or reo rich environments.
As a result, we have seen the successful establishment of the first generation of first language speakers of te reo Māori. Many of our whānau are the first in over three generations to raise tamariki as te reo Māori speakers, using te reo Māori as the language of first choice in their homes.
Kāi Tahu marae throughout the takiwā now have access to a growing pool of Kāi Tahu speakers who can be called on to conduct formal tikaka in te reo. There are greatly increased opportunities for Kāi Tahu descendants to engage in te reo learning programmes in the rohe and the profile of reo in communities has similarly been enhanced.
This shift in language use in raising children is continuing to gather momentum as more whānau become exposed to and engaged in KMK activities.
On average, a generation is measured over a 15-25 year time frame, therefore, KMK is currently in the phase of consolidating the first generation and creating the second generation of language speakers.
Our Current Priorities:
For the past nineteen years Kotahi Mano Kāika has focused on building enthusiasm, capacity and capability amongst Kāi Tahu whānau, papatipu rūnaka and our communities towards achieving our vision of Kotahi Mano Kāika -1000 Kāi Tahu homes speaking te reo Māori. The strategy was first launched in 2000, and has been reviewed every five years since. Our current priorities are aligned to well established and internationally recognised elements of language planning and policy;
Akona te Reo - Acquisition
Increase opportunities for whānau to engage in environments of learning that promote Kāi Tahu reo and knowledge, te reo proficiency growth and whānau use of te reo by:
Supporting the overall objective of intergenerational transmission. We need to continue developing the depth and calibre of our speakers at the highest levels, while also encouraging and supporting those at the lower levels of language proficiency to continue their development.
Ensuring that the language is sustainable and survives for future generations. We need to continue to grow a critical mass of speakers who support intergenerational transmission within their homes, providing them with a greater number of domains in which they can use and develop their reo.
Supporting and growing champions. This is a priority area, providing leadership to help rally the masses to participate in language revitalisation efforts, and contributing to succession planning for Kāi Tahu reo leadership into the future.
Whakamanahia te Reo - Status
Raise the value of te reo and intergenerational transmission of te reo as the preferred lifestyle choice, celebrate the successes of KMK whānau and raise te reo visibility in Kāi Tahu communities by:
Celebrating te reo as an integral component of Kāi Tahu identity.
Valuing whānau who are making an effort and showing commitment to te reo revitalisation and using these whānau as positive role models. We aim to showcase the positive impact and contribution that te reo makes to Kāi Tahu identity, promoting this to the wider Kāi Tahu populace as the ‘preferred’ Kāi Tahu exemplar, drawing people in and encouraging others to follow by example.
Ongoing research and measurement of KMK Whānau reo outcomes. Achieving recognisable outcomes has become a focus for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Kāi Tahu members need to see outcomes for the funding being expended through clear evidence of achievements. However, it is also understood that language revitalisation is a long-term project that will measure success after two or three generations. Measuring and reporting on progress is important for inspiring whānau and building awareness of the cultural and social outcomes achieved.
Whakatinanahia te Reo - Corpus
Ensuring on-going development of accessible Kāi Tahu reo resources for whānau and communities and increasing whānau engagement with Kāi Tahu specific reo through:
The regeneration of Kāi Tahu reo with integrity by researching, with robust linguistic guidelines, the historical body of knowledge and place names. A reo development team will provide guidance and analysis of the appropriateness of kupu and kōrero, their creation or revival for community use and for extending high proficiency. It will be responsible for the research, growth and enhancement of reo appropriate to Kāi Tahu needs and to help ensure integrity of this valuable cultural resource for future generations.
Whakamāramatia te Reo - Critical Awareness
Promoting the importance of te reo to Kāi Tahu identity through:
The provision of language planning support and continued collaboration with whānau, hapū and communities. A well-developed level of understanding of the key principles of language revitalisation across Kāi Tahu whānau and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is needed to support the diverse te reo needs and aspirations of Kāi Tahu whānau and communities.
A greater sharing of responsibility will help recognise that all members have an important role to play in revitalising and re-establishing strength in Kāi Tahu reo.
Kōrerotia te Reo – Use
Supporting whānau to use te reo everyday language of communication and naturalising te reo in homes and communities through:
Increased activity in building whānau-based community reo domains
Increased regional support to contribute to the further enhancement of whānau-based reo domains across the Kāi Tahu takiwā.
Tō Tātou Kāi Tahutaka
Kia mau ki tō tāua āhua Māori (Holding fast to our Māori ways - Hastings Tipa).
The revitalisation and maintenance of culture requires it to become habitual, part of daily habit and routine. Te reo is integral to Kāi Tahu identity, therefore our tribal te reo strategy actively supports whānau to revitalise and maintain our Kāi Tahutaka. We have seen a growth in confidence and pride in our Kāi Tahu identity throughout the takiwā and beyond. We have increasing numbers of culturally competent whānau members who are actively engaged in their communities. We are making our mark in the world, as indigenous, culturally rich leaders.
“Nōku te korikori, ka kori mai hoki koe (Marukaitatea).”